GOSIA LIFE TREE : our own version of the famous model. 10 months work, before the guitar was ready like we wanted….step up , step down, we even reliced the guitar three times. Although it was not the goal it looks more and more to the real Peter Green Les paul…and so we went more in that direction (reversed neck pickup, correct M69 rings in CAB BONE and not plastic, ABR bridge, long tenon neck, handmade bonenut (you can not get this guitar out of tune..in no way which is so so good ), cab bone switch ring, killer Heartbreaker Pickups which are exact copies off our best original paf.(they wired the pickups again and again...but now 100% same sounding as the vintage originals., outphase in the middle position, 2 different knobs….maybe it looks like the 2.500.000 $ guitar….but it is a simple our first guitar that sounds awesome and best we ever had and it looks cool…our nr 1! Gosia life tree (the name we give cause wood comes life again). It sounds killer and has an old real brazilian rosewood neck and is build like a real 1959!!!.